Weapons Crimes Lawyer

South Carolina is generally a fairly gun-friendly state. Our citizens can elect to carry firearms for a multitude of reasons, including hunting, sport shooting, and self-defense. In fact, nearly 10 percent of South Carolinians are legal gun owners. In addition, we’re a shall-issue state when it comes to concealed weapons permits, meaning that the state must issue you a permit. South Carolina is also a Castle Doctrine state, meaning that you can stand your ground with a firearm and use deadly force if you are attacked or threatened in your home, business, or automobile.

However, there are some caveats to South Carolina’s gun-friendly stance. Anyone with a felony or domestic violence conviction on their criminal record isn’t allowed to own a firearm. In addition, there are some places you can’t carry a firearm, like a school, bank, courthouse, or government building. In addition, you cannot carry a handgun in your car if you don’t have a concealed carry permit. If you break these laws, you could receive a misdemeanor weapons charge and up to a year in jail for your first offense. If you’re found in possession of a stolen firearm, your penalties will be even more severe. You could face felony charges and up to five years in prison. Additionally, while the state is fairly friendly towards gun owners, prosecutors are also extremely aggressive with trying firearms cases.

If you’re facing illegal firearms charges, your best option is to retain legal representation. Although it will be difficult for your attorney to get your case dismissed, there are a few situations where it’s possible. For example, if the police arrested you for having an illegal firearm while conducting an unlawful search of your house or car, an attorney can get your case thrown out of court. This is called the “fruit of the poisonous tree” defense and refers to a situation where evidence was obtained illegally and can’t be used at trial.

If you need an attorney to represent you for illegal firearms charges, give us a call. Attorney Glenn Justis has more than 10 years of experience as a prosecutor, which he can apply to your case. He does his best to predict what moves the prosecution will make in your case and act accordingly. He’ll be able to offer you a higher chance of success in your case than many other local lawyers. If you need a lawyer for firearms charges, call the Justis Law Firm today to schedule your free consultation.


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